Didsbury’s economic highlights include film office work

February 16, 2025

Mountain View Regional Film Office received an award for Innovative approach to Economic Development in 2024

DIDSBURY – Council has received a report outlining Didsbury’s 2024 economic development highlights, including work by the Mountain View Regional Film Office (MVRFO) in promoting the local economy.

“The report was a nice snapshot of the past year’s accomplishments,” said deputy mayor Curt Engel.

The administration-prepared report was presented to council as information at the recent, regularly-scheduled council meeting.

“The MVRFO initiative increased awareness for our region and Didsbury noted five projections this year, including Audible promotion production. Sundre also received increased production inquires,” the report states.

The film office received an award for “Innovative approach to Economic Development” in 2024.

“This was the third award received for the MVRFO project and the sixth award that Didsbury was part of or received since 2023.”

Another highlight related to filming in Didsbury was the large-scale visitation of Wynonna Earp fans to town in October.

“The economic development community in Alberta recognized the Earptopia Didsbury Day as a great success for film tourism in the province,” the report states.

Excerpt from: Didsbury’s economic highlights include film office work

• https://www.thealbertan.com/didsbury-news/didsburys-economic-highlights-include-film-office-work-10181152